Can I Move House By Christmas?

Published: 13/09/2019

It’s only three months until we crack open the mince pies and mulled wine, and if you’re thinking about moving it’s likely you’ll want to be in your new home before the big day arrives. So is there anything you can do to give you the best chance? In fact, is it even possible? The answer is yes, with a combination of preparation, accurate pricing and a knowledgeable estate agent on your side.

Preparation is Key

If you’re aiming for a quick move, then it’s essential to have your house sale-ready as soon as, if not before, you begin the selling process. This includes:

  • Getting rid of any clutter
This will not only help with marketing your home and getting better results from viewings but will also make it easier for you to move when the big day arrives. A win-win, if you ask us.

  • Making rooms fit for purpose
If you’ve been using that spare bedroom as a storage room, it’s time to return it to its natural state.

  • Quick wins
You may not have time to renovate your kitchen, but look for things around your home that you can improve with little effort. A lick of neutral paint can work wonders for tired-looking walls.

Once you have your home viewing-ready, try and maintain it as best you can so you can book in potential buyers without too much fuss (impromptu storage like laundry baskets and even cars can come in really handy here!)


It’s also important that you have all your finances in order to help move things along quickly. Get your mortgage Agreement in Principle (AIP) in place before you even start looking, so you can be sure of exactly what you can afford for your new home. 

If you can show evidence that you have the necessary finances as soon as you’ve made an offer, this will get the ball rolling towards a completed sale. The mortgage application process can take a few weeks to get sorted, so it’s best to get going as soon as possible. 

Similarly, it’s best to get your legal documents in order as soon as you put your property on the market. It will likely take your solicitor at least a month to get all the necessary paperwork together, so by doing this at the start of the process rather than waiting for an offer will save yourself a lot of time. It doesn’t hurt to ask your solicitor upfront if they are able to work within your timeframe.


If you’re looking to move within a short time frame, then it’s vital that you start off with a realistic and achievable price for your home. Be sure to let your agent know that you are looking to move before Christmas, as this will help them advise you of the best asking price - realistically you would need to get an offer by the third week of October, so there’s little room for error.

Invite three local estate agents to come and value your home, and when they give you their valuation, ask them how they reached their decision. They should be able to provide you with evidence-based on a number of factors, including your wish for a speedy move.

Who will buy?

All good local estate agents should already have a list of potential buyers on their books who they can contact about your property before it even reaches Rightmove. This insider knowledge is crucial in getting the ball rolling. 

Naturally, buyers without something to sell themselves are the top choice for a quick sale, as you won’t be part of a chain which always runs the risk of falling through. Likewise, when you are looking for your new home, prioritise properties with a short or no chain, and also consider looking at new builds.


Once you’ve clinched your sale, don’t pop the champagne just yet. It’s vital to organise your move as soon as possible, as companies will likely be busy over the Christmas period. Shop around for a reputable local company, and ask your estate agent if they have any recommendations. The movers should come to your home to give you a quote, so they know exactly what to expect - avoiding any nasty surprises further down the line.

Be clear about traffic, access and parking, and make sure you give yourself enough time to get everything done - it’s always better to overestimate rather than be left in a rush.

And finally, if you’re taking your Christmas decorations with you, be sure to leave them at the front of the van!

If you live in Chalfont St Giles or the surrounding area and would like to move before Christmas, give Colman & Co a call on 01494 871 991 to discuss your options. We look forward to hearing from you.